Street Candy ATM 400 ISO 35mm Film
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Street Candy ATM 400 ISO 35mm Film

Before becoming an excellent film for street photography, ATM400 was found inside ATMs, banks, or any other sensible locations, to fight crime against humanity! Since it's been retired from a glorious security carrier, Street Candy Films gave it a new purpose, and you can now enjoy the unique character of this emulsion in your favorite 35mm camera! ATM400 delivers a beautiful contrast while maintaining rich details throughout its wide dynamic range. It comes in 36 exposures, hand-rolled in a recycled 135 film canister, and is now packed in a brand new recycled cardboard film box.

Delivery anywhere in Cyprus within 1-2 working days!

Useful Information

What is ISO?

ISO (or film speed) is a very important camera setting that will either darken or brighten a photo. A low ISO value means less sensitivity to light, while a high ISO means brighter pictures.

What is shutter speed?

In photography, shutter speed is the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. It’s the length of time that the film inside your camera is exposed to light.

What is aperture?

Aperture (or f/stop) refers to the opening of a lens’s diaphragm through which light passes.
A lower aperture means more exposure, while a high aperture means less exposure.

Shipping information

ISO (or film speed) is a very important camera setting that will either darken or brighten a photo. A low ISO value means less sensitivity to light, while a high ISO means brighter pictures.